As described in Part 3, I was waiting to hear if I would be continuing my journey in the Grow with Google Challenge Scholarship for 2018. In the last few months, I’ve been diving into topics like service workers, IndexedDB, and ES6 and writing about them here on my blog.
After I finished the initial curriculum, I worked with fellow students online on various projects, and was included in many interesting discussions. All in all, it was a very enriching experience for me, and gave me a lot of momentum to work on other solo projects. It even gave me the tools needed to tackle Vue, which I have been voraciously learning in the last few weeks.
After much waiting, I’m excited to announce that I am one of the Nanodegree scholarship winners! The program is a $1,200 value and will last 6 months. In the course, I’ll work with Google and Udacity mentors to create a performant mobile app for my portfolio. You can read about the Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree on Udacity‘s website.
You can check out my progress in the course here!